Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

Passion Or Career - Take The Lifestyle Test

If you have any doubts orientation - are interested in which direction to take in your career or business life, it is time to apply lifestyle test. Although many of the career counseling services to encourage people to look at their passions and interests, rarely take the orientation exercise lifestyle concerns into account.

For example, you might enjoy doing puzzles or logic upset, leading career orientator recommend lawyering as a career choice. But what if you have a problem working in the office? Not as a body? What if you prefer a long vacation or would like to live in different countries? What if you do not like the long hours or have a passion for details?

brief conversation with the majority of lawyers will soon discover that this line of work is not your dream job. Throw yourself down the road and years of hard work can leave you satisfied. Long hours, details, hierarchy and culture inherent in the office of lawyering. To avoid running down the costly dead-ends, here is a quick way of life test can be applied to determine whether your passion at the moment will lead to fulfilling careers.

It is time to apply the "lifestyle" test in your area of ​​interest.

ask yourself these questions:

- How much money do you need in your next life? (What type of home you want? What Car? What vacation?) When was that, you'll have an idea of ​​salary you will have the lifestyle you want.

- What kind of life do not want the job? Would you like your free time? Job security? Mobility? Do you want to be an employee or want to work with land available or as your own boss? Do you mind working long hours? If you want a long vacation? How much time will you need for your family life?
Job or career you choose should fit with these requirements also.

- Do you make decisions? Are you comfortable with the assumption of having stress? Job security for businesses is dicey. Do you mind taking orders or the boss?

- What kind of work environment do you want? Office? Do you like to do different things in one day? Whether you like or do not like working with others?

With this information has been mapped out, you're ready to see if it interests, passions and career areas that are identified as able to match your lifestyle desires. Afraid of making ends meet? Consider, then, starving artist, rock band.

I do not want to head? Focus, therefore, for the avoidance of the structure with a limited hierarchy. Think about entrepreneurship, consulting, or for AA as a contract worker.

If you are unsure of money or time / lifestyle restrictions placed on the different careers you, talk to some people who have these careers. Pick up the phone. Talk to as many people as you can. Would you like to be a sound engineer? Talk to one. Or do you think you want to write for a living? Talk to several writers. People are usually very responsive when you ask for their advice!

Once you have a clearer idea of ​​what type of lifestyle you want - financial, time and freedom-wise, socially and in terms of work environment, it will be much easier to decide which way to you.

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